I asked myself this question. And the answer surprised me.
You see I have always been around flea markets and auction houses every since I was young. Buying and selling things.And for years I was in the antique furniture business,I learned a lot about business over all those years. And that hard work has always been the key to success.
Over the years I have learned how to be a successful picker, and that means knowing what to look for and how to buy. I built a lot of professional relationships with people over the years. See to be a great picker means knowing something has value , and that someone will want what you have to offer.
For the picker he has to keep things moving. He can't afford to sit on things to long, because he is always on the move searching for the next thing to be sold. So he builds relationships with dealers,collectors or just anyone that is looking for certain things.The picker then sells his items to those individuals. Or he may use auction houses or flea markets sometimes he sells right off his truck or out of his warehouse. The point is he is selling every week and yes he is selling to make a profit for himself but he knows he has to sell at a price that the item still has a lot of value left to it because this is what his business is built on,so that he can continue to sell to people that need and want what he offers. He knows that his clients and customers don't have the time to spend hours on the road searching for the things they need for their store fronts or their collections.So they use pickers.
Thinking about this made me realize that the more I get involved with the domain name business that it is a lot like being a picker. See I spend hours each week searching through expired domain names and hours searching out new unique domain names. Sometimes only finding a few good ones.
If you are reading this page then you are probably looking for your next domain name project . You are looking for your next business adventure, your next website project or you just want a cool unique domain name. But whatever you are looking for you want to make profits with it. And for me as a picker I understand that concept. And you are willing to put in some hard work clean up those domain names and build something amazing. That is why you are here right!! That is great because I need clients like you so that I can build my Domain Name picking business.
I have learned that domain names themselves hold great value some a lot more than others of course. But for someone like you that knows web design and web building and web marketing you know how to profit on domain names that we offer here. So take a look at our whole website you will find real gems here, now you know what a domain name picker is. At least what it means to me. I hope you find something profitable from visiting my website And please save it to your favorites and send links from it because this will help me to build on my domain name picker business and help you to profit. www.poppull.com